
Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. ~ William A. Ward

Friday, 29 October 2010

~breeze ~

aku pun tatau la ape dh jadik dgn aku nye original entry nie..cam lari semacam aje kan...
hrrrmmm....pe pun just nak buat intro tentang perasaan ku ketika itueww...

satu malam yang indah..sedang aku menaiki tren LRT balik ke umah dari kelas malam ku..
~satu phone call masuk...it's a phone call from my former housemate masa dok kat shah alam dolu..huhuuu...
~just short chit chat & sudden planin' for the wekend..sound like a beautiful trip for end of October 2010..winkk***
~hati aku mula berlagu riang & feel like cool air is breezing on my face!!

Note: mode~vacation

1 comment:

My_Aqeelah said...

Meronggeng ke mana pulak kali ni?