
Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. ~ William A. Ward

Sunday 13 May 2012

One Direction

Hyi Guys.. what you up now guys??

Just wanna share one thing!! You know what? I'm currently listening to this lovely music of British-Irish boyband called One Direction. Emm maybe I just adore of their OHSEM songs, their wow-too-cute faces and last but not least their awesome style!! I like it! Seriously!! Hahahahaaaa.. ^_^

Ok..let's check out their lovely photos :))

Man..who their stylist(s) is/are?? Nice kan?? ^_^

hahaaa..so colorful!! 
Yikess!! it make me think to @Fiqrieisnowred lah!! He got same style thot!! hahaha :))

One Direction Dodge The Taxman
RED is the theme thought :))

hahaa..to much pic!! *I like RED

Nampak?? Even wearing lots of colour, they still look to have one direction!! Colourful tapi nampak senada dan tak terabur kan?? What a symbolic to their band name. Don't you feel the same?? Owhh I'm obsessed already! :p *aku kalau dah minat kan..over sangat kan!! ^_^*

Now let's check out their lovely song. the songs that I'm listening to *LAV* :))

What Makes You Beautiful

One Thing

OK guys that all I wanna share for tonight. Happy Sunday Night all..don't forget tomorrow we need to be back to work!! Auchhh!! :

Nanite ^_~

mood : singing 

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