
Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. ~ William A. Ward

Sunday 18 November 2012


Words Less >>>  let's pray for the victory of Muslims especially for the Palestine and all over the world. 
Let's live in peace and the invasion/terrorism would then cease.

Photo: Jom doa dan Amin kan sama2 dan mohon share kan doa ini ♥

✔ Rugilah x SHARE sbab ianya 1 peluang dakwah yg MUDAH

Photo: ‎Kepulan asap kelihatan di ruangan udara bumi Ghazzah selepas dibedil tentera rejim Zionis laknatullah beberapa jam lepas

"Sudahkah kamu melancarkan serangan balas kepada rejim zionis ? Ayuh bangun dan lancarkan serangan balas dalam solat dan doamu sepenuh kekuatan !! "

!! الله ينصر غزة واهلها آمين وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل 

Sumber : GaZa.nOw.Ps1
IKRAM Mesir 2012‎
the starts in GAZA

the innocent victims
Ask yourselves no matter what your religion is. As a human don't you feel touched?
Don't you feel anything deep inside your heart? Man!!

thank you for the expression Sir; at least you are showing that you still alive, you still a human

let's pray wherever we are
..because they are not just ordinary kids!
I can feel your spirit dear, one day the victory gonna be with us.

Photo: Subhanallaah…
Seorang anak kecil di Gaza, masih boleh tersenyum manis walaupun kepalanya berdarah-darah.

Sepatutnya kita yang disini malu, mudah mengeluh dan putus asa. Padahal masalah yang kita alami tidak seberapa dibanding anak kecil itu.

Follow twitter : https://twitter.com/KamiSayangUlama
Subhan'Allah, they still can smile. ALLAH-HU-AKBAR 
*I'm crying for real*
Kanak-kanak yang cedera dalam serangan Israel ini dirawat di hospital, semalam.
please; they all innocent! 

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